Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Techogram believes in privacy of its users. It is the utmost duty ofTechogram to protect personal information of its visitors while they are using its website. This Privacy Policy applies to (hereinafter, ‘us’, ‘we’, or ‘Techogram’). We have adopted this Privacy Policy explain how we collect, use and safeguard your information when you visit our website.


Collection of Personally-Identifying Information

We may collect personally-identifying information in a variety of ways depending on the nature of the interactions of visitors. For instance, a visitor is asked to sign up to to provide username and email address for registering to the site or subscribing to the newsletter.


Use of Information

By gathering information about the visitors, we can provide them with a smooth, sustainable and tailored experience. The information we collect may be used to create personal profiles of the visitors to make their future visits easier, monitor usage and trends to improve their experience, and notify them necessary updates on different occasions.


Disclosure of Information

Techogram will never share your personal information to any third parties. We strongly implement this policy among our employees.


Security of User Information

The protection of user information is very important to us. We apply ultimate security measures to protect the information provided by the users. However, any information disclosed online is not 100% secure as it is vulnerable to interception by unauthorized parties. Therefore, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.


Data Deletion Policy

If any user creates an account at using his/her personal information and afterwards request to terminate it, we will delete the account (data) permanently. Data, once deleted or otherwise destroyed, cannot be recovered in any means.


Push Notifications

Techogram may request you to turn on push notification to get breaking news. You may turn off these notifications in your device’s settings if you don’t want to receive them.


Cookie Policy

We use Cookies to display personalized content, appropriate advertisement and store your preferences on your particular device, aimed at enhancing and fulfilling your online experience.

By continuing to browse without changing the cookie settings of your device, you hereby acknowledge and agree to our cookie policy.


Changes of Privacy Policy

Techogram reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy from time to time in its sole discretion. Therefore, we encourage users to frequently check back and review this page for any changes in the future.

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